45 Second Presentation (UK version)

Prezzo di listino €17.90

Imposte incluse.

We are pleased to introduce to our readers the Original English version of the  Best Seller: 

(that will change your life)
written and promoted all over the world from his author Don Failla 

This version of the book was published in the occasion of the 30th Anniversary from its first publication in the United States.

At the moment we are introducing the book only to European Customers or Distributors who are ready to buy a minimum of 25 or 50 copies (depending from the Country where they are living) of each individual orders,

The reason is depending from the shipping cost that we are ready to absorb in our selling price that is changing from one country to another.

We are proud to say that our selling price of the original product of Don Failla in his language has its shipping cost included in the selling price.

We hope that this can be helpful to the understanding of Network Marketing philosophy all over Europe at least.

Please send your contact details filling the Contact Form, and let us know how many copies we are requested to quote sent to your address in Europe. 


Si tratta della versione in lingua inglese dell'originale Best Seller di Don Failla pubblicato nuovamente in occasione del 30° Anniversario dalla sua prima uscita negli Stati Uniti.

In questo momento il servizio di approvvigionamento di questo volume viene fatto su richiesta, per un minimo di 25/50 copie sullo stesso ordine. La gestione dell'ordine è manuale a partire dal preventivo che viene inviato su richiesta specifica mediante la compilazione del form alla voce contatti della home page. Sarà nostra cura rispondere in tempi rapidi. Chiediamo di non dimenticare di inserire i vostri recapiti (e-mail e/o recapito telefonico).